Fury Pool Cues Collection

With nearly 50 years of craftsmanship and production experience of refining the build quality and passion to the perfection, Fury cues were brought to the world for billiards enthusiast. All the cues are carefully engineered with detailed configuration and marvelous designs in constructing a great beauty with artistic graphics. The choice of materials used in the construction of each Fury cue is more than you can imagine – from straight grained hard rock maple wood to rare exotic woods that are customized and processed to be made with time and skills; as well as refined alloy, marble, leather, jade, and many other special components are used in providing the best performance when playing with a Fury cue. From years of studying and improving the production process, Fury cues are crafted to be fine-tuned and very well-balanced. The low deflection shaft enhancement is also applied to reduce ball deflection with well-made ferrule to achieve better precision.
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